Mapping show for Bauhaus’ 100th birthday


This project was my most advanced 3d mapping so far. We used 4 projectors with total power of 60 thousend lumens. The space was an entry hall of the historic international cruise terminal in Gdynia, Poland. The building itself is a classic example of Polish modernism and is now used as a Museum of Emigration, documenting the histories of polish emigrants and explorers.

Mapping was commisioned by Museum of Emigration as a part of carefully choreographed performance, featuring live dancers, interactive sculptures and live electronic music. Big thanks to all the talented people that I had a luck of working with.

The process:
The hall was surveyed and modelled to get best fit for projector mapping. After that, the previsualizations were made in Touch Designer to see how the animations will look like when overlaid onto the staircase. Sculptures were modeled in 3d and inserted into the scene.
The whole modelled scene was then imported into Touchdesigner, so exact projector position and lens could be established using camSchnapper. It is an incredible mapping tool inside of Touch Designer that allows to establish exact projector position, rotation and lens characteristics based on 3d model and projection.

Art Director:
Monika Górka


Asia Nadrowska
Jacek Krawczyk

Sculptures and costumes:
Aleksandra Józefów

Maciej Polak

Stage light design:
Bartosz Cybowski

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